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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 622280

Gender : Female
Age : 52
Live in : United Kingdom
Hello, I would like to converse with lovely people aged between 30 50 years old. Happy to chat to any Korean males who are genuinely looking to have a good conversation with me. I do not use or .진심으로 ...
Gender : Female
Age : 41
Live in : Sepanyol
Hello, I m Nicole 니콜 ,a native Hungarian living in Spain. I would like to make friends mainly from the South Korean and Japanese communities to further educate myself about the wisdom of the East. I ...
Gender : Female
Age : 25
Live in : Jepun
はじめまして 24歳 INFP 韓国語を勉強したいと思い登録しました 気軽に話しかけてください KPOPと韓ドラなどが好きです 안녕하세요. 24살 INFP 한국어를 공부하기 위해서 등록했습니다잘 ...
Gender : Female
Age : 25
Live in : Jepun
안녕하세요. 저는 일본에 살고 있는 빠른99년생 여자입니다. 어렸을 때부터 한국을 좋아해서 자주 여행합니다. 언젠가 어학 유학하고 싶다고 생각하고 있으니까 한국 친구를 만들고 싶어...
Gender : Female
Age : 30
Live in : Turki
Hello I m Nur I wanna meet lots of friends just send a messagelet me be your friendand. feel free to ask me about Turkey I have talk I love Asian culture and want to learn. I cover my hair not my brai...
Gender : Male
Age : 24
Live in : Korea
こんにちは. 韓国でバリスタをしている会社員です 日本に就職準備中なので 現地に行く前に 現地に友達を作ってみたくて加入しました メッセージをいただければ できるだけ早くお返...
Gender : Male
Age : 20
Live in : Poland
HiI m from Poland and i m 16 years old I m interested in computer games, History and Japanese culture. I also like listening to music and drawing. I would like to learn Japanese and improve my English...