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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 622285

Gender : Female
Age : 17
Live in : Jepun
こんにちは 私は日本人高校生です 韓国語と英語を勉強しています 人と会話をすることと 韓国 台湾 イギリス オーストラリアの文化が大好きです INFPです ぜひお友達になってください...
Gender : Male
Age : 20
Live in : Korea
안녕하세요 03년생 학생입니다. 남녀 상관없이 친해져서 언어교환하면 좋을 거 같아요 잘 부탁드립니다. 始めまして, 03年生まれです 男女関係なく親しくなって言語交換したら良いと思...
Gender : Female
Age : 22
Live in : United Kingdom
Hello I am Sophie. I live in England. I am looking for a friend to share different cultures with. I love to travel. I have recently been to Korea Busan and Dubai. I am trying to learn Korean and hopef...
Gender : Male
Age : 44
Live in : Korea
東京から来ました 約10年前に韓国に来て以来ここに住んでます コロナの関係で東京に帰りたくても帰れません 好きなことは バンドでドラム叩くこと ジャンルはロックでもポップやボ...
Gender : Female
Age : 13
Live in : China
Hello My name is Hedy, I m 13 years old from China. I want to make friends who can help me improve my English It s better to be friends from English speaking countries. My hobbies are reading and ar...
Gender : Male
Age : 39
Live in : Korea
안녕하세요. 저는 대한민국 부산에 살고 있는 85년생 남자입니다. 다양한 친구들과 이야기을 하고 싶어서 가입을 했어요. 영화 감상이나 음악듣기가 취미에요. 사진 찍는 것도 좋아합니다....
Gender : Male
Age : 24
Live in : Korea
Hi, Nice to meet youI am 24 years old Korean this year. I want to make friends. It would be great if we could be friends regardless of gender. I m also studying English, but there are so many kanji ch...