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Open Penpal Search

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Gender : Female
Age : 27
Live in : Jepun
97년생의 일본인입니다 한국의 패션이나 메이크업을 좋아해요한국어는 공부중이에요 톡, 을 하고 있어요 선물교환도 하고 싶네요친하게 지내요ㅎ 韓国を好きな日本の方も仲良くなりた...
Gender : Female
Age : 38
Live in : Jepun
안녕하세요. 86年生まれの女性です 私は約4年間 韓国語を勉強していますが まだまだ下手なのでたくさん教えて欲しいです コロナも落ち着いてきたのでまた 韓国に旅行したいです 日...
Gender : Female
Age : 38
Live in : United Kingdom
Hi, こんにちは 안녕하세요 My name is Jo 2024年11月に日本に行きます 日本で会いたい場合はお知らせください 저도 2026년 초에 한국을 방문할 예정입니다 I enjoy reading, the gym, making sushi, video gam...
Gender : Male
Age : 31
Live in : Korea
HelloI m korean, of course can speak korean, a little english. sorry, can t other s language. But, Don t worry we have google. AND, If you teach your language, SO I feel like happy I ve a one of wishl...
Gender : Female
Age : 42
Live in : Jepun
Hi I m from Japan. I want to meet friends from all over the worldI m interested in the culture and music of other countries. I would like to talk a lot with friends. There are many my page visitors, b...
Gender : Male
Age : 27
Live in : Korea
こんにちは 韓国人です 日本人の友達を作りたくて加入しましたメールお願いします メールを送ってくだされば私は嬉しくて涙を流します 안녕하세요 저는 한국 사람입니다일본의 문...
Gender : Female
Age : 43
Live in : Turki
Hi, I am living in Turkey. I am a teacher. I am a member of this site to improve my English and make new friends. I want to know different cultures. I hope I can make new friends her...