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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 622197

Gender : Female
Age : 40
Live in : Jepun
外国の友達と国同士のことや日常生活について話したり 気軽に情報を共有したいです 日常に寄り添った会話ができると楽しいです 語学勉強はしていませんので 言語交換を目的にはし...
Gender : Female
Age : 38
Live in : Korea
こんにちは 日本ドラマや文化に興味があります 今は韓国に住んでいますが 何年か前東京で留学しまして日本語は少し話せます 韓国語でも日本語でも良いですので友達になってくだ...
Gender : Male
Age : 55
Live in : Jepun
안녕하십니까. 저는 일본에 거주하는 일본사람입니다. 1968년생 남자이고 한국 역사에 대해서 관심도 많고 한국어를 배우고 있습니다. 드라마나 뉴스, 책을 통해서 공부하는데 좀처럼 늘지...
Gender : Male
Age : 41
Live in : Jepun
안녕하세요. 저는 한국어를 공부하고 있어요. 한국 사람과 친구가 되고 싶어요. 한국어는 잘하지 못하지만 열심히 하고 싶어요. 남녀 불문하고 연락 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 韓国語を勉...
Gender : Male
Age : 17
Live in : Kandungan
Hi I am cheerful person. I want to meet different people and make friends and will be glad if you write to m...
Gender : Male
Age : 35
Live in : Korea
Hi ,i’m Eric I’m a Korean and I live in Seoul I’m studying Economic and Statistics in KNU. I like reading a book and playing football. I really want to improve my language skill. That’s why I’m lookin...
Gender : Male
Age : 19
Live in : Mesir
Hello, I m trying to learn Korean and I would absolutely love to speak with Koreans. If you re interested in learning English or arabic I can help. My hobbies would be singing, reading, and writing be...