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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 622197

Gender : Male
Age : 58
Live in : Korea
Hi, I m Korean man. My age s 59. I live in Seoul ,Korea. My hobbies are ski, golf, shooting, bowling, traveling and reading books. My job s English translator. I wait for pen pal. Thank...
Gender : Female
Age : 41
Live in : Jepun
HiMy name is yasu. I m from Japan. And 3kids mom I am looking for a language exchange partner. I can barely speak English. I understand the words, but I don t understand the grammar. Let s have a conv...
Gender : Male
Age : 42
Live in : Korea
こんにちは 会社に勤めている普通の40代の韓国人男性です 幼い頃 手紙でしばらくペンパルをしたことがあります この空間を通じても日常や趣味など私事な対話を交わせる友達に会え...
Gender : Male
Age : 35
Live in : Amerika Syarikat
Hi thereI m a 27 year old student from the USwho s interested in making pen pals from all over the worldMy interests include in no specific order drawingtravellingclassical musicphysicsFOODand learnin...
Gender : Female
Age : 25
Live in : Jepun
Hello. I am Marin. I live in Osaka, Japan. I would like to make friends around the world So now I m studying French and Korea. I wanna travel the world some dayI m interested in different cultures. I ...
Gender : Female
Age : 23
Live in : Jepun
独学で韓国語を勉強している大学2年生です 学校の勉強が忙しく韓国語の勉強を長らくしてなかったのですが再開したのでもしよろしければ韓国語を教えてくれる方がいると光栄です ...
Gender : Female
Age : 36
Live in : Jepun
안녕하세요. 88년생의 마리입니다. 한국 친구가 원해서 등록했습니다. 한국어는 서툴지만 남녀 모두 친해지고 싶습니다. こんにちわ 韓国の友達が欲しくて登録しました 旅行もよく行き...