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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

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Gender : Male
Age : 47
Live in : Jepun
最近個人的な事で落ち込んでいました 今までとちょっと違う人生を歩みたいと思っています その中で色 な国の方 もちろん日本人も含めて と交流したいと思いました 自分の今後の人...
Gender : Female
Age : 37
Live in : Amerika Syarikat
Hello, my name is Amanda. My interests are art, photography, music, playing ukulele & singing, beauty, skincare, fashion, shopping, video games, watching tv & movies, watching Korean dramas, cooking, ...
Gender : Female
Age : 31
Live in : Jepun
안녕하세요 저는 일본 큐슈에 사는 여자입니다 한국어 공부한지 팔년정도 되었지만 독학으로 해서 그런지 잘 모르는 게 많아요 그래서 한국인인 친구를 구합니다 같이 공부를 하고 좋은 ...
Gender : Male
Age : 54
Live in : Korea
Hi, my name is Justynn from south Korea. I am a musician who composes and arranges music, and also selling musical instruments and teaching students. Since I was young, I have been interested in forei...
Gender : Male
Age : 38
Live in : Korea
안녕하세요. 한국에 살고 있습니다 일본인 친구를 만들고 싶어 가입했어요 일본 애니메이션을 좋아하고 문화를 좋아합니다 일본어도 배우고싶어요. 일본여행도 계획하고 있습니다 음식도...
Gender : Male
Age : 32
Live in : Korea
Hello i love j pop, anime, I love manga and Japanese movies. eat I really like you too. I want to be your frien...
Gender : Female
Age : 38
Live in : Amerika Syarikat
Hi friendsIm traveling to Korea October 2023. I hope to learn a lot and make many friends. Tell me all the best places to go and food to eatMy pen name for this site is Luckykat .I have always been in...