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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 622214

Gender : Male
Age : 28
Live in : Australia
Medical field student & Japanese Diploma Korean teacher with certificate Interested in languages and cultures Third Culture K...
Gender : Male
Age : 24
Live in : Korea
안녕하세요 일본을 좋아하는 한국인입니다 일본어도 배울 겸 한국어가 가능한 일본인과 친구가 되고싶어서 하게 되었습니다 こんにちは日本が好きな韓国人です日本語も学ぶ兼韓国語...
Gender : Female
Age : 59
Live in : Perancis
HelloMy name is Nathalie. I m French. I am a middle school teacher. I love watching K dramas and tennis matches, listening to music, travelling, reading and learning languages. I m looking for a Korea...
Gender : Female
Age : 20
Live in : Jepun
はじめまして 趣味は音楽を聞くこと お菓子作り ゲーム ドラマ鑑賞など… 韓国語は喋れないので 翻訳しながらの返信になります 少しでも韓国語を話せるようになれたらいいなと思っ...
Gender : Male
Age : 22
Live in : Korea
Hi friends, I am 18 years old and my name is Choi Yoo Jun. My English name is Christopher. Yesterday, I went to Osaka, Japan and started pen pal because I wanted to make Japanese friends. I hope those...
Gender : Male
Age : 70
Live in : Jerman
Hello, I am Michael. I am interested in the Japanese language and culture. But I hardly can speak or write it, yet. However, I am willing to learn and I wonder if I may find someone here who is patien...
Gender : Female
Age : 46
Live in : Jepun
はじめまして 私は日本在住の女性です ハングルを覚えて いつか韓国旅行したいなと思ってますが どうやってハングルを覚えたらいいかわかりません ​ お互いのペースで を末永く続...