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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

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Gender : Male
Age : 46
Live in : Korea
안녕하세요. 저는 일본문화 일본여행을 좋아합니다. 일본친구도 만들고 싶고요 오랫동안 가족처럼 지내고 교류도 많이 하고 싶습니다. 같이서로 문화도 배우면서 즐겁게 배우고싶어요 잘...
Gender : Male
Age : 39
Live in : Korea
Hello, I am Kim Hyuk who was born in Busan, Korea in 1985. I want to exchange languages and get along with each other I look forward to your kind cooperation. 안녕하세요 한국 부산에 살고 있는 85년생 김혁입니다 서로의 언...
Gender : Female
Age : 26
Live in : Korea
はじめまして 韓国に住んでいる女性です 日本のアイドル ジャニーズが好きです ジャニーズのNEWS King&Prince 美少年が好き量産系のファッションも好きです 和食や旅行にも関心あります ...
Gender : Female
Age : 23
Live in : Korea
My name is Hyun JiD I m 16 years old 2000 I live in Repubilc of Korea I want to make friends in the worldwideespecially I want to learn Japanese also I wantto know culture of japan こんにちは 私は韓国に住んでいる16才...
Gender : Male
Age : 53
Live in : Korea
はじめして 朴 Park といいます 私は韓国に住んでいます 日本語は1年ぐらい独学しました 韓国に興味がある日本の方と友達になれたらいいなと思い 登録しました K POP韓国のドラマに興...
Gender : Male
Age : 46
Live in : Korea
HiI live in Korea and travel abroad often. I want to meet local friends. I do not care about age and gender. I can help each other and I want to be friends and go to each other. こんにちは 私は韓国に住んでいて 海外旅行を...
Gender : Female
Age : 21
Live in : Turki
Hello!My name is Yaren and I am about to become 21 years old soon. I am from Turkey and I am really good at English because I studied foreign language department in high school. Besides, I am studying...