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Open Penpal Search

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Gender : Male
Age : 36
Live in : Jepun
Hi there, my name is Jack and I am new here. I have been staying here in Japan for a few months already. I really find it difficult to socialize especially that my Japanese is not that good. So I regi...
Gender : Female
Age : 32
Live in : Kandungan
Hola I hope u r all doin fine. First of all thank u for visiting my penpal page. I m very excited to being here for cultural exchangeing. Likewise i can say that this site s making habit over time. He...
Gender : Female
Age : 24
Live in : Turki
안녕하세요 Hellooo튀르키예 사람이에요한국에 오래전부터 관심이 있고 한국어를 할 줄 알아요관심사가 공통된 친구 사귀고싶어요오래 연락 하고 싶은 친구이면 넘 좋고 남녀 부담 없이 ...
Gender : Male
Age : 37
Live in : Korea
Hello, I m from Korea. Glad to meet you. I learn English culture and any other one. Always ask and send me if you are interested in Korean culture. We would be able to encounter our ideas. Do not hesi...
Gender : Male
Age : 25
Live in : Korea
始めまして 私は日本語を勉強している98年生韓国人です 話もして友達も作りたくてプロフィールを作りました 今年日本語の試験を受ける予定です 好きなものは日本の音楽と写真で 写...
Gender : Female
Age : 14
Live in : Filipina
Hi y all my name is sai and Im from the philippines and I also speak english, Im just looking here a friend from international so just email me and have a nice d...
Gender : Male
Age : 35
Live in : Korea
こんにちは 私は韓国人です 友達を作りたいです ただの友達 日本語を学生時代に少し習いましたが難しくて会話ができません 英語は簡単に話せます 韓国語の練習をしたい方はどなた...