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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

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Gender : Female
Age : 34
Live in : Taiwan
안녕하세요 저는 도라 Dora 예요 대만 사람입니다. 지금 한국어를 공부하고 있습니다. 하지만 아직도 잘 못해요. 반갑습니다 Hello, I live in Taiwan and want to make some new friends especially who knows Korean...
Gender : Male
Age : 31
Live in : Korea
こんにちは 韓国のソウルの近くに住んでいる人です 日本語の勉強を始めてから6ヶ月くらいです まだ下手ですが 日本人の友達を探しています どうぞよろしくお願いします 안녕하세요...
Gender : Male
Age : 35
Live in : Korea
こんにちは 私は韓国人です 友達を作りたいです ただの友達 日本語を学生時代に少し習いましたが難しくて会話ができません 英語は簡単に話せます 韓国語の練習をしたい方はどなた...
Gender : Female
Age : 23
Live in : Amerika Syarikat
Hi my name is Bailee and I am from the United States I like visiting my family overseas and trying new things. I am a student studying buiness. My hobbies are hiking, gardening, reading comic books. I...
Gender : Male
Age : 30
Live in : Jepun
Hello everyone, I m looking for a new friend hereI love to travel to other countries and getting to know other culturesAnd I love art, music, movies, exercise, handicrafts and cooking. I would love to...
Gender : Male
Age : 39
Live in : Turki
Hello everyone. I want to meet different cultures and people. I m looking for a long term friendship. Within the framework of respect and love. I like history, music and trave...
Gender : Female
Age : 33
Live in : Perancis
Hi I want just to make friendsFeel free to message meBonjour Je veux juste avoir des amisEnvoyer moi juste un messa...