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Total members : 621047

Gender : Female
Age : 35
Live in : Jepun
Hello thank you for visiting my profile i am new here indeed looking forward to meet people from other country in order to learn and associate languages and culture. Hope we can be good friends...
Gender : Male
Age : 31
Live in : Korea
はじめまして日本語を 勉強 して います 日本ごを教えるの友達がなってくたさい ぜひたのみます ㅜ. ㅜ 連絡を おねがいします 日本語は むづかしい ぼくは 漢字も ぜんぜん わから...
Gender : Female
Age : 32
Live in : Kandungan
Hola I hope u r all doin fine. First of all thank u for visiting my penpal page. I m very excited to being here for cultural exchangeing. Likewise i can say that this site s making habit over time. He...
Gender : Male
Age : 21
Live in : Korea
안녕하세요!다양한 외국인 친구들을 만나고 싶어요언제든지 연락해주세요HelloMy name is Suhyun. 21 years old. I m not good at English, but I want to meet a variety of foreign friends. また日本の人 と親しくな...
Gender : Male
Age : 34
Live in : Korea
こんにちは 韓国に住んでいる者です 運転しながら他の都市に飲食店を訪ねるのが好きです 特に運転が好きで 海外に自分の車で旅行するのが夢です この日本語の文章は翻訳機を使い...
Gender : Female
Age : 25
Live in : Jepun
안녕하세요. 저는 일본에 살고 있는 빠른99년생 여자입니다. 어렸을 때부터 한국을 좋아해서 자주 여행합니다. 언젠가 어학 유학하고 싶다고 생각하고 있으니까 한국 친구를 만들고 싶어...
Gender : Female
Age : 28
Live in : Perancis
HiJe suis fran aise et j aimerais changer avec d autres personnes m me si mon niveau est catastrophique. Mais justement a va m aider apprendre et j esp re au besoin pouvoir vous aider avec le fran ais...